


Make your request

You do not need to request a book if it is available on the shelves. Just find it and borrow using the self-service machines. However, if all copies of the book are out on loan or in a remote campus library, you can request it.

You can request books on SAMK-Finna. Log in and find the book you want. Select Request. Select a pickup location. Change the request period if you wish. The Fine Arts Campus Library is not available for book requests and cannot be selected as a pickup location.

Your request will automatically be allocated to the appropriate copy of the book, which will be delivered to the pickup location of your choice. If a book has two different loan periods, you cannot choose which loan period book you get.

Requests are free of charge.

When the item is ready to be picked up

You will get an email when the book is available to borrow. The message will tell you until when your request is valid.

At the Pori and Rauma Campus Libraries, you should borrow the book you have requested from the holds shelf yourself. You can use your library card to access these campus libraries during self-service hours. SAMK students can access the campuses outside opening hours with the SAMK door code.

From the Kuninkainen Campus Library in Huittinen, you can collect your request from the library's locker, which is located next to the library door. There is a bag in the locker with your name on it. The entrance to the campus is from the A door. SAMK students can access the campus outside opening hours with the SAMK door code.

You can check your requests on SAMK-Finna.

Video on YouTube: How to pick up your holds


You can borrow books and other library materials from any of our campus libraries, as many items as you want. Borrow at our self-service stations or at the customer service desk. Use your SAMK library card.

Library materials may be borrowed for the following lengths of time:

  • Books: 28 days
  • Course books at the Pori Campus Library: 7 days
  • Magazines: 7 days

Depending on the campus library, SAMK students and staff can borrow equipment such as laptops, calculators, digital voice recorders and imaging equipment. These have a short loan period from a few hours to a few days.

You can check the due date by logging in to SAMK-Finna. SAMK students and staff can also check the due date in Tuudo. Due dates are listed on receipts received at checkout.

During vacations, the loan period is longer than usual.


You can renew your loans on SAMK-Finna, in Tuudo app or at the customer service.

Renewal is not possible if

  • there are requests
  • you have outstanding fines of at least 20 €
  • any material you have borrowed is long overdue
  • it is a short-term loan
  • the maximum renewal period has been reached


Avoid overdue fines! Return or renew the library materials before their due date and time.

You can return items to any SAMK Library location. We have return boxes in the libraries and also in the corridors of the campuses. SAMK students can access the campuses outside of opening hours with a door code.

If you are off-campus and have items you wish to return, they may be sent to us by post. Check the address.

SAMK Library books must be returned to the SAMK Library, not to other libraries.

We email overdue notices. For SAMK students, we send messages to the SAMK email address. If you don't get our email, please check your spam. Email problems do not exempt you from overdue fines.

If the item you have borrowed is lost or damaged, contact the library to arrange for its replacement. You are responsible for returning borrowed items on time, and for any fees associated with lost or unreturned items.

Document delivery and interlibrary lending

If the SAMK Library has not got the resource that you want, contact the library staff. We can usually get a copy of an article for you. A book can be borrowed from another library for you.

Charges for visitors who are neither students nor staff of SAMK


After the due date, you will be charged overdue fines for late items. You can pay them online on SAMK-Finna or by card at the Pori or Rauma Campus Library. You cannot pay in cash.


Paying online on SAMK-Finna

Library card

Read about the library card, your obligations as a customer, the validity of your account and data protection:

Library card and your account