
How do I start a search on Finna?

You have several options:

Do a free search and filter your results

  • The easiest way to start a search is to enter the search terms for your chosen subject or collection in the search box.
  • In the drop-down menu at the end of the search box, you can choose to search by title, author or subject. The default “All fields” option will return all results related to your search terms.
  • After the first search, you have the option to filter your search results, for example by terms of use, type of collection or date of manufacture.
  • You can find ideas for formulating your searches in the Basic search guide.

Advanced search

International e-materials search

  • Select International e-materials search to find articles and online publications in English. Primo Central is an index of millions of scholarly articles and publications.

How can I find a specific book?

Type words from a book title or author. Finna will give you suggestions.

Book search


Selecting Book material from the suggestions will narrow your search to books. Searching for a book title as a phrase in quotation marks may help:

"international business"

You can combine words from a book title, author, publisher etc.:

marketing Kotler

Try wildcards if you don't know the exact word:

organization* theory

How to find a book on SAMK-Finna (YouTube) .

How can I review my search results?

When you do a search on Finna, you will be directed to the search results page where you will find all of the results that match your search term(s). You can filter your results on this page (see the Narrowing your search section for more information). Finna will notify you if no matching results are found.

In the search results list, you can find the details for each search result by clicking on its title. If you click on a search result icon or picture, a preview window will open displaying a larger image and some of the picture’s/object’s information.

Links to online resources are provided. If necessary, the link will take you to log in with your SAMK username.